A Summer And Winter Plan For Moving Seasonal Vacation Home Items Into Self-Storage

When purchasing a vacation home, you may discover that you don't need a lot of space. Often, you are out and about enjoying the festive environment the vacation region provides. The location might support summer and winter activities, which means camping in July and skiing in February. One issue does arise with people living in a small-sized house. Many belongings are helpful for the summer, but not the winter and vice versa. With a small house, that means "multi-season" belongings can take up a lot of space. Then again, if you rent a self-storage unit, you might not deal with such issues. Be sure to organize the storage unit so that you won't have trouble moving things in and out as needed.

Audit Your Belongings and Then Book a Storage Space

A thorough audit of all seasonal things in the home should take place. Some items remain useful throughout the year, but you aren't likely to use a window-based air conditioner in the winter. So, go through all your closets, spare rooms, and more. Determine what can go into storage at particular times of the year. This way, you can start the process of better organizing things.

Show the List to the Storage Manager

To get the most out of the storage experience, discuss your situation with the storage service's manager. Show them the list of things you wish to store. Perhaps you can take a picture of them as well. Doing so allows the manager to best recommended the necessary size for the storage space. Also, they can make other recommendations. If you need to haul out a lawnmower or air conditioner, maybe a first-floor bin near the door becomes the best choice.

Booking Two Storage Bins

For the right price, perhaps booking two small storage bins remains an option. One bin could keep summer items, and the other houses winter things. With two delineated storage bins, you gain better organization based on seasonal needs.

Be Mindful of Climate Control Benefits

A consistent temperature helps preserve items placed in self-storage. Rising temperatures can bring forth humidity, which can cause problems for things made of metal. Storing a snowblower away for the summer makes sense, but moisture could rust metal parts. Choosing a climate-controlled storage facility could help you avoid causing damage to costly equipment.

Enjoying your vacation home starts with taking burdens off your shoulders. Better summer/winter organizational steps help the cause.

For more tips, reach out to a local self-storage facility.
